All about us ;)

My name is Bre. At the lovely age of 20, I spend most of my time reading, exercising, and going to school. I have an undying love for healthy food! And I am getting more and more into photography. I am in my second year of college and I am majoring in Elementary Education (eeeeek). I live a pretty fabulous life, with an EXTREMELY fabulous man.  Which brings me to...

This is Eric..he is 22 years old! He spends most of his time fishing, hunting and playing with Manny. He is a simple, goofy, loving person. He is in a local band called in liquid in which he plays the drums. He is about to start school again to major in Computer Technology. 

This is the newest edition to our lives (although, Eric has had him a year). Manny likes to spend most of his time barking, going hunting and fishing with E,  and spending time with us ;)
Eric loves Manny alot more than anything (except me I hope, but I do think it is a pretty close race). 

And this is us. Our lives have been basically one since October 22, 2010. This is our journey through life. I started this blog to keep track of our two lives slowly intertwining into one. So most of the blogs will be about me and E. But I am sure some will be about fitness and exercising and whatever else I can think of ;)

Read the story of how me met HERE