Sunday, January 1, 2012

Fit Resolution

Hap-Happyyyyy New Year!

Whoaa! 2011 flew by! I am ready to tackle 2012 head on! There is something so refreshing about a new year. Today I did so much cleaning and me and E did a couple of projects (those will come later). Among many of my New Years resolutions is the ever so popular "get fit". Two years ago I made that as my New Years resolution and thirty pounds later I am taking it a step further! I am eating organic (as much as our grocery store allows) and I am going to make a commitment to be as dedicated to fitness as I used to be.

Pretty sure EVERYBODY wants to look like this.  Well in my long (never ending) journey of fitness I have learned a lot. 

First off, the key of fitness and getting healthy is, if you don't WANT it, you WON'T get it. 


Second, water seriously is your best friend! Drink it....all the time. 

Third, come up with a plan. Give yourself goals. You are more likely to stick to your goals if it is written down and you set deadlines. 


Fourth, use websites like MyFitnessPal to keep track of calories eaten and much more. ( I love love love this website! It is super easy and fast to input your information! It also comes as an app that is just as easy for people on the go. You put in your weight and goal weight, and it figures out how many calories you should eat a day and breaks down amount of carbs, sugars, and fat you should also be eating. 

how i track what i eat and my workout--  #myfitnesspal

Fifth, find a work out routine you like. I lost all my weight simply by running a mile a day. The more I went to the gym to run, the more I tried new machines and it starting to become fun. I also did a lot of workout videos. Just spice it up! Don't do the same routine every single day, your body becomes a custom to it and it begins to become less effective. 

The Gym.

Sixth, allow yourself to cheat every now and then.. You are WAY more likely to binge on foods you are craving if you never eat them. If you have a craving for something eat a tiny portion in order to feed your craving. Doing this keeps you from purging. I allow my self one day a week to eat whatever I want. I still tried to keep it semi healthy because you can mess up your whole week of working out. 

Junk food

I could go on and on and on. Maybe I should have started a fitness blog ;) But seriously, there is so much information out there you just need to read and find out what works best for your body and just keep remembering why you are working out. When I first started it was about being skinnier, but as I continued it was more about the way it made me feel. Not eating junk food and working out gave me more energy and kept my immune system up. When I would eat junk food, it would literally make me sick because my body had learned to not like it. The hardest part is the first few months. Just keep pushing and never give up!

Happy New Year ;)

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